Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hand, Foot and Mouth

Apparently, Kai has hand foot and mouth disease. Lovely. At least it is only mildly contagious. gah. I thought he might be better today but his fever went back up this evening and he cried for an hour before passing out in my arms tonight. He wouldn't even nurse, the poor little love. :(

On a related note, I went and bought a temporal scanner today. Wow, do I love this thing. It is so stinkin' easy to take the kids' temp with it. So much better than our old underarm method. Yay for new toys. :D Sage kept having me take his temp. He was having fun with it, too. :)

In other news, my FIL called today. I can go get a new phone. Did I tell you about my phone? ugh. I got a new phone for my birthday in July. It was lovely. It was perfect. It was stolen a couple of weeks ago. sigh. So, I've been using S's b/c we are on FILs phone plan and he needed to go do his end of things before we can get a new phone. So, I'm off to check them out tomorrow. That will be fun with the sick baby in tow.

1 comment:

Mama Lizard said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! :o)