Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Fall Festival

Apparently I'm a terrible blogger. I have no real desire to spill my guts online. Silly me. However, in the name of giving it the old college try, I'm forcing myself to write.

So normally on Saturdays, our family sits around and looks at each other while American Gladiator plays on ESPN classic. We do the 'what do you want to do?' 'well, I dunno. What do you want to do?' game until there's no real time to do anything. If we do go somewhere, it is to the mall.

Today, we broke the cycle. Go us! We decided that we *were* going to do something. I wanted to go apple picking. Hubby didn't. He wanted to go to K and G to look at suits for work. Blah. So, we compromised and found a fall festival going on at a school in the county. We took the boys, got some free stuff, and helped support the local schools.

Things I learned today: I do NOT want to go back to teaching middle school. Ever.

My momma bear instinct really kicks in when a grown man laughs at my kid getting hurt.

And, Five Guys is reaaaaallly growing on me. As are Trader Joe's sea salt brownies. Yum.

Here are some pics of the day. Sage was quite cute as 'Spiderman'. :) Hmmm. Apparently, they can't 'process' my request right now, so you'll have to take my word for it. Spidey is very cute when he's my kid. ;) There's also an adorable one of Kai posing with dad on the merry go round, and an adorable shot of my little skeleton pj clad boys from this morning, just for good measure. Ah well. Perhaps they will be able to process my request at some other point in time and I will be able to show you my pride and joy. :)

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